2d Animation sequences created for episode 5 of the german tv-drama "Tod von Freunden" written & directed by Friedemann Fromm produced by Letterbox Filmproduktion. Airing on ZDF & ZDF-Mediathek.The sequences are meant to visualize the internal turmoil of one of the characters on the show. The designs are created to reflect the characters drawingstyle, the way he draws himself and his friends and are based on drawings by mangaka Carolin Eckhardt.
Learn more about the Show and watch it HERE.
©2024 studio huckepack
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We’re always excited about new projects! If you’re thinking about working with us or have a project idea you would like to discuss, please get in touch!
If you are interested in applying for an internship send your appliciation and portfolio to the adress below. Requirements are: that you are a student, have to take a mandatory internship for your university and that the internship is about 5-6 months.